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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gotta Have My Reality TV

You either love it or hate it. It took me a while to admit it publicly, but...I am a reality tv junkie.

Lately I have been enamored with Bravo TV. It's reality TV heaven! From the Millionaire Matchmaker to the Housewives of NYC or New Jersey or Orange County, I can't get enough! My go-to channels are HGTV, TLC & Bravo.

My Thursday nights at 7 pm are reserved for Survivor. This is the one show that my husband and I watch together and discuss thoroughly. We love the strategizing involved. It’s our sport in common. He’s a major sports fan and unfortunately for him I could give a rat’s ass about any of that stuff…so we have this at least. If he has to miss it for some reason or other, I text him the play by plays. Yes, we are that ridiculous!

On Sundays I can’t miss The Amazing Race. It gets my adrenaline pumping and I feel like I'm living out the adventure vicariously through the teams lucky enough to be on the show.

It might not be "REAL" life, but you still get to see people's true personalities come out under pressure. I love watching the meshing and colliding and can't help but wonder how I'd appear to the world if put in any of those situations. Would I be nice or bitchy, bossy or submissive?

"One of these days," my husband and I vow, "we will get on one of those shows". I know I wouldn't stand a chance on Survivor...I think I'll let my husband have that one all to himself!

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that I watch the Housewives. They make me feel better about myself after watching. ;)


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