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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Well, I'm finally a NEWLYWED!!! I am glad the wedding nightmares can finally come to a halt. I'm still having CRAZY dreams though. Last night I had one dream which was very similar to one I had when I first found out I was pregnant. I dreamed that I had never gone into labor or anything & suddenly, there was the baby. This time he was born the day after my wedding. I was just laying in bed at home. He was still attached to me with the umbilical cord. For some reason I was working at some restaurant & was worried about missing my shift...the next day I realized I had never called to let them know I couldn't make it because I had given birth (I'm unemployed in real life). People kept coming by to see the baby & I kept looking for it because I couldn't remember where he was (almost like an object that I had lost). I ALSO dreamed last night that Mike & I were traveling down the coast (Pacific) & were trying to find a place to sleep, but all of the places were more like hostels than hotels & the guests were all there for some weird water sport that I don't think exists in real life. It was really late & we could only stay if we had the proper equipment for the water sport. We were going there specifically for snorkeling, but had left our gear at home (perhaps this is an anxiety dream for our honeymoon this coming week to the Carribean in Mexico?). At one of the places the person running the place was very annoyed with us for arriving so late & said we would wake everyone, so we left. At the next place we were standing just inside the building talking to a woman running the place & the ocean was just hitting outside her door. I remember being so scared because I thought it might wash us away. It turned pretty much into a nightmare from here. It was when I saw the water lapping at the door that I realized how muddy & turbulent the Pacific was & wanted to leave & go back home right then. As we were trying to leave, there was a huge storm & huge waves splashing everywhere, trying to carry us back with them to disappear forever. Then a killer whale kept washing up in front of us & kept trying to get Mike. I kept trying to save him, but then it tried to get me too. Then I realized our cat, India was there & the whale was trying to get her too. After I had successfully got her out of the way, I realized another cat was with us (a ferral that we have been feeding the past two years that we've named Smokey) & the whale was trying to get him too~! What a nightmare. Just before I woke up I was having another dream about two women who were lesbians who had just had a child. They were doing some type of documentary about them being just as good of parents as anyone else, but as they were talking they were walking in a river. One was stroking a crocodile talking about knowing what to do to handle it. Suddenly, I became the woman & the crocodile kept trying to bite me. I was in the water & couldn't get footing, so I kept trying to hold its mouth closed, but it kept trying to turn and turn in the water to drown me. Somehow I made it out of the water, but the crocodile was chasing could run just as fast as I could & the phone rang...suddenly I was awake...THANK GOD! I have nightmares like these ALL OF THE TIME!

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