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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Our new baby! gigi

We have a new addition, her name is "GiGi". She's a Maximilian Pionus Parrot aka "Scaly-Headed Parrot". I'm sad, though, because she has apparently favored Mike over me. If I put my hand in her cage, she tries to bite me, but if Mike does, she'll bow her head for a petting. I bought two books to learn the proper care and about what type of behavior to expect, but I've never ever had a bird before and I get so nervous. I EXPECT them to bite...which probably plays a role in it. Mike's experienced around birds and exudes confidence. She gets so excited just hearing his voice in the next room. ***He does have that effect*** We aren't 100% that she's female without DNA testing, but were told that it is strongly "believed" that she is...sooooooooooo...I just call her "she". We had to buy doors to close in our dining area so she could have a cat-free room. I don't even want to see that scenario unfold...we have predators and their favorite prey living under the same roof...YIKES!

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