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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spaceship & Malaysia Dream

Wow! Amazing dream I awoke from. I am asked to go on a mission. My professor is the organizer. I really don't understand it or why I am involved. I have to go to this convention in outer space? Weird. Why? It's me and a group of people. One of the girls with us is so obnoxious and immature. She continues to get on my nerves throughout the dream. We are simple people. Most of us undeducated. We have college degrees, but we are still uneducated. The convention is for scientists or intellectuals. I'm not sure who they are but they are SMART people. My professor tells me that I have to quickly write down some talking points and illustrate it on paper. I'm confused. He tells me what to call the project. I keep forgetting the name in my dream. It is something in french. Ma Juno. Something. I keep trying to figure out what it means and why I have to call my project that. I think it's "My June" or something. I kept trying to pronounce it with a French accent to see if that helped me understand it, but no. I was assigned a room to change in and given clothes to wear. They belonged to my professor (woman version of him). They were his handmedowns. Our group all must wear them for some reason despite them not being our correct size. I wondered why we had to do all of this, it was silly. It didn't make sense. As we walked into the spaceship, the convention participants were there socializing. An older Indian man sees me and comes my way. I am nervous. What if he asks me questions that I cannot answer? I cannot quite make out what he's saying. He asks if I'm a malskjdfoiuaeiru. Huh? I don't say it though, I pretend I know what he's talking about. I smile, laugh, say "yes" and he looks at me and says I don't look like a maldiufoaueoriuaoweur. He's onto me. As I walk away I think that I should have asked him playfully what one is supposed to look like. I go to my room and try to work on my assignment. I'm supposed to be writing, but find it difficult because I'm too rushed. The professor is anxious and is trying to get all of us out to the convention. I guess he rounded us up and hurried us here to be his entourage to show off to his collegues. It feels as if we had no choice in being here, as if we are prisoners. But why isn't he explaining to us WHY we are here? It would make everyone look a lot more competent if we were given some sort of explanation and background information. I congratulate myself on the quick getaway from the Indian man earlier, but know that I can't elude him forever. I still have to go back out there(for what I don't know) and may need to know what I'm talking about. I have no way of knowing what I need to know. Noone is telling me anything. No one knows. I use construction paper for my project. It is messy and childlike. I can't even read my cursive. It's a mess. I'm hoping this isn't anything that anyone is going to be looking at. How am I supposed to write about something that I have not studied or been taught? Am I just supposed to make it up? I see other people's projects and they see mine. Some of theirs is on poster boards with colorful graphs and neatly written explanations. I look at mine and wonder why I can't write legibly or understand the task at hand. The Indian man comes over. He starts to talk to me, but I feel that if I speak my charade will be revealed. He'll know that I don't belong here and all will be exposed. Who knows what will happen? I panic and pull him to me and kiss his mouth. YUCK! I am so disgusted. He is surprised but does not push me away. I am in his bed. I change my mind and pretend to be asleep so he will go away. The bed is in the middle of the convention. I'm telling some of my group about it, kind of bragging about how I dealt with him. Why did I do that? Gross! My group asks how in the world I ended up there. It seemed like a perfectly logical way to thwart his attention for some reason. I find out the Indian is some sort of espionage agent. He does work that is involved with putting disease into human bones. I find this very alarming. I wonder if I don't understand and he's the type of person that is experimenting for the sake of healing people. Or does he do this to harm them? Is he a terrorist? I am even more disgusted with myself because I kissed his disgusting mouth. The convention is over. Our tasks are complete. Our group leaves. The obnoxious girl is so loud that I feel she will blow our cover before we get out of the door. I notice that the convention women are gathering in a dining hall. They are dressed like politicians. They are all short with short hair wearing plain business skirt suits. I am so happy to leave this place and can't get out of there fast enough. I want to put my own clothes back on. I am FREE! I look for a bathroom. I need to go and I need a shower. I want to get out of these clothes that aren't mine and don't fit properly. I see a baby kitten. It looks like our Himalayan when she was a baby. It's scared to death and growls at me when I try to pet it. I see a little boy with another kitten and try to get the scared one over to him. A guy in my group comes out of his room angry. He said he came back from the convention and "they" had gone in his room and took his dog out, put him on a leash and locked him in the bathroom. The dog is loud and obnoxious. It sees the kittens and tries to get them, but the leash holds him back. I wonder why "they" would put his dog in there, but I really just want him to take it away. It is too loud and it wants to hurt the kittens. Now we can explore this place we are in. I contemplate how much easier it would have been had the professor explained what the convention was about, what our roles were and why he needed us there. I thought he was smarter than the situation he put us in.

So this is where last nights dream turns around. I get to start exploring this "outerspace" place. I make my way outside. I really need to go to the bathroom. There is an open toilet. It is old and had no walls, just beams. Anyone can see you. I go to use it and notice the landscape. You can see rolling green hills and all sorts of little animals. It is BEAUTIFUL. "Where am I?" I muse. I see these beautiful birds (see picture) and miniature, spotted deer looking creatures running around. It is magical. A black woman and her daughter walk by carrying a basket with a bird on hatching eggs. The eggs are kind of like the above picture (my husband and I witnessed these eggs hatching on our honeymoon in Mexico...amazing!), but the little feathers were more like peacock colors. I wonder how they are going to take this on the plane with them. There is no cage. Are you supposed to take animals out of Malaysia (apparently this is where we are)? Isn't there some sort of law prohibiting this? There is an old man sitting and working with some artificacts. I think he's an archaeologist. I stand watching him turn over an object in his hand. It looks like a piece of armour perhaps. The part that held the sword. There are train tracks behind us and a passenger train comes by. It is open on top, kind of like coal cars and the people are standing as they are being transported. They are all men. Asian looking. Dark-skinned. Except one. He's more native american looking. He has long salt and pepper hair. He's kind of edgy. He wants to know why I am judging him. I just tell him I can tell he's native american. He relaxes. A young guy takes a looooooong stick, toothpick skinny and holds it up to my chin from the train. He's bossing me. I self-assuredly tell him something, calling him out for being a bully. He jumps down and takes me out of view of the men in the train and says "listen, I like you, but I have an image I have to keep." I tell him I understand, he's new and he thinks he has to act a certain way, blah blah blah. The meeting ends good-naturedly. I go back inside and their are women at a counter. It's a gift shop. I look around to see if there is anything that I want to buy. I see some seeds on a back shelf, kind of out of the way. I say I want those. They look like pumpkin seeds. The girl at the counter says "oh, these, you can have them" they are half rotted. They become orange seeds. I love them. I picture what they can be. I know I can help them grow into a wonderful garden. I accept them and go off happily. I am now riding in the train taking a tour of this beautiful land. I notice all of the ornate architecture. It's kind of like ruins. The old and new mixed together. But there are scrolled columns and murals mixed in with the decrepid city. I am in awe. I am taking pictures with my camera but it will not capture what my eyes see. It fails to work properly anyway. I don't want to miss any part of it. The tour guide talks about how it is a mystery where this all comes from. It is unstable but has been here as long as anyone can remember. Something about the ornate artwork and scrolls being Italian comes to mind. I don't care, I just don't want to forget anything. I wake up (darn).

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