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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Repost from someone else's blog comment (liked it alot)

Do you really think that "God gave you this life?" In a way, he has, but in the same way that a sculptor "gives" shape to his statue. God created all of us for a purpose, only known by Him, which we all hope to discover one day. So, God didn't "give" you life in the sense that the author intimates above... Your life is merely one of the many means that God has brought together to satisfy an ultimate end that he has pre-planned. So, in conclusion, in order to truly "live" your life, you must live out God's purpose in you. To live your life "your way" would be like the sculptor's statue saying, "I don't like this pose. In fact, I don't like being a statue. I'm going to be a kite." You can see why this is doomed to fail. First of all, what creation has any right to tell its creator that it made it wrong?! If it wasn't for the creator, you'd still be the proverbial uncut stone. Secondly, no matter how hard a statue tries to be a kite, it will never fully become one, and will live out a life of frustration and, ultimately, failure. The reason that Christians get so pissed is becase normally, some activist wacko is somehow (whether directly or indirectly) effecting their life or collective lives, and keeping them from living out their God-mandated purpose. Anyway, I've tried to shed a little light the best I can. However, you will never hope to understand a Christian vantage point without reading the Bible (all of it) first. All I ask is that you don't lump all Christians into one basket based on one bad experience. If you get mugged by a Chinese man, will you consider all Asians crooks? If you get ripped off by a Jew, would you consider all Jews swindlers? I should hope not, since that is blatant stereotyping, as well as racist. So just because some elitist asshole that claims to be a Christian preaches fire and brimstone to you, don't automatically assume the same of me. Live and let live. Only some of us will end up doing it eternally.

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