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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Birth Story

Isaac Michael Grenat was born at 6:19 p.m. He was 22 inches, 8lbs 15.4 oz. I woke up with back pain at 4 a.m. then my water broke. I had no doubt it was my water breaking because it just never stopped. I was scheduled to be induced this upcoming Monday, but baby had other plans. We rushed to the hospital where they checked me & I wasn't dilated except for the 1 cm. So the started the Pitocin to get it going. By later that day, 3 or 4 maybe, I was finally dilated enough to start pushing, but I was way too wore out by then. I had an epidural, but somehow it didn't alleviate all of my pain. I still had incredible upper back pain. They kept moving me from one side to the other. I hated that I couldn't feel my legs. When I was on my right side Isaac decided to curl up in my ribs which was so incredibly painful that I couldn't stop crying. They kept giving me apple juice to wake him up which only made my heartburn & reflux 100 times worse. I kept throwing up. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours, but his head wouldn't budge. I could see his hair the whole time, but he was turned the wrong way. The doctor couldn't turn him either for some reason. She said she didn't feel comfortable. It was something about one of us had too much swelling. Finally we ended up doing a C-section. I had been running a 102+ degree fever for some reason too. They ended up putting IVs in him to give him antibiotics. He ended up having jaundice & having to be under lights. We were in the hospital for 5 days. When we came home, he still had to have a home health agency come out & monitor his bilibrium levels & I had to keep him on a light bed for another 3 days.

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