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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Birth Story

Isaac Michael Grenat was born at 6:19 p.m. He was 22 inches, 8lbs 15.4 oz. I woke up with back pain at 4 a.m. then my water broke. I had no doubt it was my water breaking because it just never stopped. I was scheduled to be induced this upcoming Monday, but baby had other plans. We rushed to the hospital where they checked me & I wasn't dilated except for the 1 cm. So the started the Pitocin to get it going. By later that day, 3 or 4 maybe, I was finally dilated enough to start pushing, but I was way too wore out by then. I had an epidural, but somehow it didn't alleviate all of my pain. I still had incredible upper back pain. They kept moving me from one side to the other. I hated that I couldn't feel my legs. When I was on my right side Isaac decided to curl up in my ribs which was so incredibly painful that I couldn't stop crying. They kept giving me apple juice to wake him up which only made my heartburn & reflux 100 times worse. I kept throwing up. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours, but his head wouldn't budge. I could see his hair the whole time, but he was turned the wrong way. The doctor couldn't turn him either for some reason. She said she didn't feel comfortable. It was something about one of us had too much swelling. Finally we ended up doing a C-section. I had been running a 102+ degree fever for some reason too. They ended up putting IVs in him to give him antibiotics. He ended up having jaundice & having to be under lights. We were in the hospital for 5 days. When we came home, he still had to have a home health agency come out & monitor his bilibrium levels & I had to keep him on a light bed for another 3 days.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Anxiety over labor

I'm getting anxious. Everyone seems to be in a big hurry for me to go into labor, but I'm perfectly happy waiting until the due date! Yesterday we went to the new Cabelo's so I could do some walking...I'm feeling so UNFIT these days. On the way home I had awful shooting "down there" pains. I don't know what you'd call them. I usually have them at night. They don't fit the description of what everyone tells me contractions are like, so I really don't know. They went on for about half an hour, then stopped. I'm finding myself worrying constantly about how Isaac will be. I just watched a thing on autism this morning & got all scared with the "what ifs". I also worry about things like Down Syndrome & things like that. All three of my grandmother's brothers were born deaf and her sister had two mentally retarded children. I keep looking back over the course of my pregnancy hoping that I didn't do anything that would make for anything but a healthy baby. I know I should stop worrying, but it's a pretty hard emotion to turn off.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

counting down to b-day

Went to the doctor on Thursday. She did an exam & says I'm 1cm dilated. I asked about effacement & she said that my cervix was still very thick. I guess that means 0 effacement? She also told me that she wants to do an ultrasound with next week's appointment to check on his size & position. I was surprised & very happy! I'm wondering if it has anything to do with me gaining 7 lbs in 1 week??? She didn't say & I didn't think to ask. She told me she'd be able to give me an approximate weight...which is so cool! I'm just happy that I get to see him & I have a time & date!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Still haven't spoken to my mother. I don't care anymore really. I had my doctor's appointment today. 1 cm dilated...same as two weeks ago. I am excited because I get to have another ultrasound next week...WOOHOO. I'll post pictures for anyone interested. My doctor wants to see how big he is...hopefully not TOO BIG! I'm getting some serious anxiety about the approaching labor. On a really happy note, I found an awesome pediatrician. He's my doctor's uncle actually...his name is Dr. George Schwartzenburg for anyone who may be looking for one. I've also been contemplating what to do with myself since I'm going to be a mom. I can't sit around at home...I'll go nuts. I am researching a business idea that has me really excited. It's something that could be fairly easy to get started. It's kind of like Plato's Closet, but for kids. I have way too many ideas about it to list here. I've also been offered an opportunity to help Mike's mom out with her business. She owns two antique stores & is interested in selling online & offered me a commission to handle that end. I'm thinking about it seriously. Last but not least I'm thinking of doing a Medical Transcription course. I know someone who has been doing it for 5 years and loves it. I took a pre-qualification test & did really well on it. It would be good to have something like that to always fall back on. I like to have a lot of options open & I hate being tied to any one thing, so I guess that's why my spirits are so high right now...there are just boundless possibilities right now! Oh & Mike is on his last class for estimating. He started a new project this week where he's in charge & making lots of money. I'm just hoping he's able to find a really great salaried position somewhere...preferrably sooner than that he doesn't have to be out in the field all of the time where he doesn't get vacation time or paid holidays or money for days when it decides to rain & they send everyone home. It's just not reliable. We'll just see.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Baby Shower

Had my baby shower yesterday. My mom didn't bother to show up. Neither did anyone else in my family except my sister! My family SUCKS (except my sis of course)!
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