Last night I dreamt I was living in a high-rise apartment building with a space-age futuristic feel to it. I had to climb extremely high stairs to reach my floor & often times had to risk my life to climb up weird unsafe ladders just to get home. I had a couple of male roommates & was trying to get into an extremely prestigous school. One day a spot appeared on my wall. It looked like water damage. Over time, it began to take the shape of a face. As more time passed, the face began to protrude. The first time I saw it fully protruded I was so alarmed that I took a hammer & tried to pound it back into place. Eventually, it popped back out & began to take a human appearance & began to talk to me. It would ask for things to drink. I gave him milk & found that the milk was spoiled*. Then saw spoiled jugs of milk hidden throughout my apartment & even outside. I came to find out that that the face was Achilles. I apologized over & over for pounding his face with a hammer. I told him that he was a legend (he was known for being a Trojan war hero who was invulnerable except for his heel). I informed him that the Achille's Heel* was named after him (An Achilles' heel is a fatal weakness in spite of overall strength, actually or potentially leading to downfall.) He found this very interesting. After many conversations & a lot more energy gained through the food & drink I provided him, he formed a body & stepped out of the wall. He very much resembled the late Saddam Hussein. The dream cut off abruptly after he stepped out of the wall.
Note: We usually drink Kleinpeter milk, but mike bought Foremost milk on Saturday & it had a weird taste to it...maybe that crept into my dream somehow.
What could it mean?
*Achilles Heel
The name Achilles' heel comes from Greek mythology. His mother, the goddess Thetis, received a prophecy of her son's death. In order to protect him, she dipped him into the River Styx, which protected his entire body from harm. However, in order to dip him into the river, she needed to grab onto his heel. During the Trojan War Achilles was struck on his unprotected heel by a poisoned arrow, which killed him.
*Spoiled Milk Process
When raw milk is left standing for a while, it turns "sour". This is the result of fermentation: lactic acid bacteria turning the sugar inside the milk into lactic acid. This fermentation process is exploited in the production of various dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. There are four noted periods of milk decay:
Rancid (also called "on the turn". Milk is still consumable at this stage)
Curdling (separation of curd and whey will occur but may still be consumable)
Coagulation (beyond use. A period of aromatic decay sets in accompanied by mould)
Dry (beyond use. The milk has dehydrated and become hard and chalky)
Pasteurized cow's milk, on the other hand, spoils in a way that makes it unsuitable for consumption. This causes it to assume an unpleasant odor and pose a high danger of food poisoning if ingested. In raw milk, the naturally-occurring lactic acid bacteria, under suitable conditions, quickly produce large amounts of lactic acid. The ensuing acidity in turn prevents other germs from growing, or slows their growth significantly. Through pasteurization, however, these lactic acid bacteria are mostly destroyed, which means that other germs can grow unfettered and thus cause decomposition.
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