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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Not a popular theory, but a thought that flashed nonetheless...

Weird how all of the casinos in Biloxi and Gulfport have been destroyed, the Exxon/Mobil plant in Chalmette has been submerged in water, and the projects of New Orleans have been flooded. I was wondering if this was the wrath of God, kind of like Sodom and Gomarrah or the great flood. Just a thought. My new co-worker, Tom, from California just moved here and had nothing. I offered him my table and chairs, I never mentioned they were for sale, just that he could have them. He came and picked them up and offered me $40. To a broke ass like me that's a lot of money. I told him "No, I don't need that. They were in my way anyway." I went ahead and accepted $20. Not long after he pulled out of my driveway there was a knock on my door. A chick from the Louisiana Bucket Brigade. I wanted her to go away because I was watching tv and I didn't want to hear her schpeel. I took a second look at her. Little, tired-looking, actually kind of cracked out looking with her blood-shot eyes with a sort of begging look in them. Then I remembered myself, last summer, going door-to-door for the Sierra Club (where I was actually telling people about the devastation that could occur if we didn't do something for New Orleans...funny how I was walking through the neighborhoods right next to the levy in Metairie and the wanted nothing to do with helping out). I asked her if she had change. She pulled out 13 wadded up bills and a few coins and said that's all she had. I said that was fine. She left me with info. about the nasty Exxon/Mobil plant in New Orleans and the damage it was causing to the citizens and environement. Life is so ironic.

I think the answers are found in the irony. Why do babies die, bad people win, and good people lie?

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