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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gotta Have My Reality TV

You either love it or hate it. It took me a while to admit it publicly, but...I am a reality tv junkie.

Lately I have been enamored with Bravo TV. It's reality TV heaven! From the Millionaire Matchmaker to the Housewives of NYC or New Jersey or Orange County, I can't get enough! My go-to channels are HGTV, TLC & Bravo.

My Thursday nights at 7 pm are reserved for Survivor. This is the one show that my husband and I watch together and discuss thoroughly. We love the strategizing involved. It’s our sport in common. He’s a major sports fan and unfortunately for him I could give a rat’s ass about any of that stuff…so we have this at least. If he has to miss it for some reason or other, I text him the play by plays. Yes, we are that ridiculous!

On Sundays I can’t miss The Amazing Race. It gets my adrenaline pumping and I feel like I'm living out the adventure vicariously through the teams lucky enough to be on the show.

It might not be "REAL" life, but you still get to see people's true personalities come out under pressure. I love watching the meshing and colliding and can't help but wonder how I'd appear to the world if put in any of those situations. Would I be nice or bitchy, bossy or submissive?

"One of these days," my husband and I vow, "we will get on one of those shows". I know I wouldn't stand a chance on Survivor...I think I'll let my husband have that one all to himself!

MotherStyles-What Type of Mother Are You?

As a mother of a 2 1/2 year old and a newborn coming in two days, I do a LOT of reading about parenting.

Being a first-time mom is one of the most daunting things a woman can go through. We learn from our mother's about how to parent. We learn from the media, television, other women. There are so many contradicting theories about the right way and the wrong way. There's "positive discipline" and "attachment parenting" and "cry it out" and "indulgent parenting" and the good ole' "authoritarian parenting" and so on and so forth. 

From one person to the next you will find a pro and a con for each of the styles and the outcome it will have on the child. There are studies supporting one, chastising another. Who's to say who is right and who is wrong? This quiz , based on your personality type, can give you an idea of what type of mother you are. It would be interesting to see what type of parenting style a person chooses based on their personality type.

If for no other reason than the entertainment value, why not try it out.

Here are my results to give you an idea. I’d have to say it is exactly on target! Feel free to share your results (or not) and opinions about parenting styles. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of parent I am and want to be.

Your type is: intp —The “Love of Learning” Mother

“I keep the encyclopedia in the kitchen so we can look up things together while we eat.”

•Intellectually curious and patient, the INTP mother relishes those times with a child when they are learning something interesting together. Whether they’re at the zoo or computer terminal, she sparks to answering his or her “whys” with in-depth responses or new knowledge.

•The INTP mother is also objective and introspective. She listens to and discusses children’s ideas and questions as she would those of a peer, fostering self-esteem and confidence. Open and non-directive, she allows children the freedom to do for themselves and quietly encourages them to believe they can do it.

•Independence, autonomy, intellectual development, and self-reliance are probably the INTP’s highest priorities for her children. An avid reader, she naturally imparts an appreciation and love of reading as well.

•Drawn to all types of learning, the INTP may also value her mothering experience for all the new insights about life it provides her.


Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road healthy, free, the world before me, The long brown path leading wherever I choose." --Walt Whitman

I find myself waiting. Not just for the baby that will be here in two days, but for a change in the wind. Life will not go on as it has. Not for the obvious addition of a new family member, but for the transformation taking place in my thinking. I am becoming hopeful again. Enlivened. I feel the wonder and curiosity about the world creeping back into my mind. My old dreams are returning, but this time to a calmer, wiser, more stable version of me. I feel alive. It's been so long in this rut. I've been indecisive, lost, and so unhappy with my lack of direction and focus. I can't wait to see what can come from this. Life is good and only going to get better from here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

To Blog in the Blogging World as a Bloggess

Okay, I'm not really a player in this entire universe of blogging. I thought I was a blogger but, whoa nelly, it's an entire subculture I didn't even know existed. I started out on Myspace in college writing about whatever was going on in my tortured life and stumbled upon blogger and wordpress. I moved everything over to blogger and now it looks like I've been a blogger for years...hahahaha...EXCEPT i don't know what in the world the blogger subculture people do to connect their blogginess. Why is everything so complicated?

Anyway, I decided to change my blog address to the very appropriate, the "bohemian" part anyway. I decided to do a google search to make sure I was, in fact, a "bloggess" and found there are others out there. You mean I didn't think of this all by myself? I have not found the term defined, BUT it's a pretty good guess that it's feminine for blogger which IS defined. A blogger is a person who keeps a blog. Yay, I'm a bloggess! Anyway, found this lady and she's my bloggess heroine of the moment. Maybe I can learn a thing or two :o)

Saturday, May 08, 2010

You can't POOP a baby out can you???

Called my doctor today frantic and in pain. Me: "Can the baby try to come out of the wrong hole?" It feels like she's trying to come out in the wrong place and it hurts so bad and she is rolling all around and when I sit down a sharp pain shoots down my leg to my foot. Can the cord be wrapped around her neck and she's struggling?" Her: *laughing hysterically* "No funny girl. That doesn't happen, she can't come out of the wrong hole. She's just bouncing around on a nerve. You can come in if you want." Me: *feeling retarded* "No, I'll just see you on Monday. I had to at least ask!" I am not kidding, though, it felt like she was just going to pop right out!

Spooky dream psychic!

Yesterday Mike, Isaac & I went to his sister's house to drop off his nephew's birthday card. We were outside checking out their latest landscaping undertakings when we here *PLOP* into the pool. We all look and Isaac is standing next to it looking at the bottom. Apparently he had grabbed a rather large chunk of dried mud and threw it in. Mike gets the net and brush and proceeds to clean up the mess. FLASHBACK to the prior night's dream: Mike & I are at the airport. He's standing by a pool looking water fountain with a big net cleaning it out. I remark to someone that everywhere we go he likes to take it upon himself to clean out the pools.

It's just SO STRANGE and I have to say a bit psychic to have that exact image in my dream and it actually happened the very next day.

I believe in the saying that "nothing in life is a coincidence."

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Twitter and Facebook for Fundraising: Using Social Networking to Raise Money for Charity

Twitter and Facebook for Fundraising: Using Social Networking to Raise Money for Charity

There are a few people in my life who currently have devastating situations they are dealing with. I, of course, would love to donate money, but my funds are limited. I have been researching fundraising and have even thought about doing it professionally. I came across this article that could be helpful for someone dealing with an unexpected death in the family or a major medical issue. I worked for a bankruptcy law firm and found that these types of expenses are often what caused financial catastrophe in people's lives. It doesn't hurt to try a fundraiser before bowing down to financial ruin.
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