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Friday, July 31, 2009

My Ebay Venture

I've opened a new shop on ebay, Forget-Me-Not Eclectic Boutique, with a few changes to my format. I'll sell more smalls here, clothing and accessories. Big items and antiques can still be found at Galiano's Antiques. Be sure to stop in this weekend for the 10th anniversary sale!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

He peepeed in the potty!!!!

I'm so proud of my little baby. He woke up with a dry diaper this morning which was a really good sign. I took it off and let him sit on his potty while I went (he usually just sits there and plays). It has a little sensor in the bottom that makes music if anything goes in. I wasn't looking but just heard the music go off. I looked up and he had stood up midstream because I think it caught him off guard and he was peeing on the floor. I told him to sit down and made a big deal out of it and he got all excited. Then I gave him some toilet paper (he ALWAYS asks for it and I tell him only when he goes in his potty can he have it). So he put the tp in then took it out (yuck) but he did sooooo good! I am so proud of him. I had told him yesterday when I was changing a poopoo diaper that he will get to wear pullups and then big boy underwear if he stops going to the bathroom in his diaper. He cried when I put his diaper on him after that as if now he understood what I meant. I told him today that we are going to go buy him some pullups!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Unconscious Mind from Wikipedia

The unconscious mind is a term invented by the 18th century German romantic philosopher Ser Christopher Riegel and later introduced into English by the poet and essayist Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [1] The unconscious mind might be defined as that part of the mind which gives rise to a collection of mental phenomena that manifest in a person's mind but which the person is not aware of at the time of their occurrence. These phenomena include unconscious feelings, unconscious or automatic skills, unnoticed perceptions, unconscious thoughts, unconscious habits and automatic reactions, complexes, hidden phobias and concealed desires.

The unconscious mind can be seen as the source of night dreams and automatic thoughts (those that appear without apparent cause). It can be seen as the repository of memories that have been forgotten but that may nevertheless be accessible to consciousness at some later time. It can be seen as the locus of implicit knowledge, i.e. all the things that we have learned so well that we do them without thinking. A familiar example of the operation of the unconscious is the phenomenon where one thinks about some problem, cannot find a solution but wakes up one morning with a new idea that unlocks the problem.

Observers throughout history have argued that there are influences on consciousness from other parts of the mind. These observers differ in the use of related terms, including: unconsciousness as a personal habit; being unaware and intuition. Terms related to semi-consciousness include: awakening, implicit memory, the subconscious, subliminal messages, trance, hypnagogia, and hypnosis. Although sleep, sleep walking, dreaming, delirium and coma may signal the presence of unconscious processes, these processes are not the unconscious mind. Science is in its infancy in exploring the limits of consciousness.

Reading the World as Symbol

I have begun an exciting journey into the unconscious. It is one we all take every night when we close our eyes. If everyone in the world dreams every single night, shouldn't we be paying attention? It is easy to dismiss our dreams as meaningless because we do not understand them, but we shouldn't. Our dreams give us an amazing insight into our true selves and even link us to the "collective unconscious". I will share my journey on this blog and my personal insights along the way.

If you are a beginner to understanding your dreams, the first step you can take is to start recording what you remember of your dreams in a dream journal. It is okay if it does not make any kind of sense to you. Concentrate on what you are feeling and thinking about as the dream is taking place. It will take some time before the dreams stick in your memory when you wake up. Practice makes perfect. I have been recording my dreams for over 10 years. It is amazing to look back on them and understand what they were telling me, but what I didn't get at the time. "Hindsight is 20/20". Wouldn't it be nice to understand yourself in the here and now rather than looking back and saying, "oh, NOW I get it...I wish I new THEN what I know now."? It is possible. Please take this journey within. It will change your life forever.

I've recently begun dream therapy with a professor that I happened across once again after taking his Kabbalah class almost five years ago, Rodger Kamenetz. I strongly recommend reading his book "The History of Last Night's Dream". You can view his website here .

Reading the World as Symbol

I have begun an exciting journey into the unconscious. It is one we all take every night when we close our eyes. If everyone in the world dreams every single night, shouldn't we be paying attention? It is easy to dismiss our dreams as meaningless because we do not understand them, but we shouldn't. Our dreams give us an amazing insight into our true selves and even link us to the "collective unconscious". I will share my journey on this blog and my personal insights along the way.

If you are a beginner to understanding your dreams, the first step you can take is to start recording what you remember of your dreams in a dream journal. It is okay if it does not make any kind of sense to you. Concentrate on what you are feeling and thinking about as the dream is taking place. It will take some time before the dreams stick in your memory when you wake up. Practice makes perfect. I have been recording my dreams for over 10 years. It is amazing to look back on them and understand what they were telling me, but what I didn't get at the time. "Hindsight is 20/20". Wouldn't it be nice to understand yourself in the here and now rather than looking back and saying, "oh, NOW I get it...I wish I new THEN what I know now."? It is possible. Please take this journey within. It will change your life forever.

I've recently begun dream therapy with a professor that I happened across once again after taking his Kabbalah class almost five years ago, Rodger Kamenetz. I strongly recommend reading his book "The History of Last Night's Dream". You can view his website here .
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