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Monday, April 21, 2008

Isaac is on the Move more ways than one. Mike was recently promoted which is moving us to West Texas. During this time, Isaac has begun to get up on all fours. While staying in the hotel, he has learned to pull himself everywhere he wants to go. First he started out as an inchworm, getting up on all fours then pushing himself forward until he was flat on his belly, then he figured how to skip that step and just use his arms to pull him everywhere. He always goes straight for the edge of the bed. The nightmare begins!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

moving to texas

We are are moving to Texas
It’s very short notice, but we will be moving to West Texas VERY SOON! Mike got a great job (with his current company) and they need him out there ASAP. He’ll be the Planner/Scheduler for the plant that had an explosion back in Feb. (in Big Spring). So us buying a house here is being put on hold for 2-3 years, but we will be back. It’s just something that we couldn’t pass up!
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