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Thursday, December 27, 2007

The wild cats strike again

These dreams have been haunting me for years now. Huge wildcats tenaciously stalking me. Last night I was in the jungle with other people & someone else's little baby that I was adopting (he was Asian). I had to climb a wall to get away from them & it was a wall of gardening tools. I started throwing the tools down to the other people to ward off the cats. I took a huge pair of shears & stabbed it down into one of the cats...sending the others cowering away. As I climbed down the wall, most of my fear had dissipated.

The Wonderment of my Life

Everything that has ever happened in my life has led to this. All of the memories, the lessons, the love & the pain have prepared me to be the mother of this little child. Nothing else matters. I have beaten so many odds & struggled to keep myself from becoming a statistic. I've achieved EVERYTHING I've ever set out to do. I've loved & lost, laughed & cried. I've reinvented myself time & time again. People have came into my life & consumed me briefly & a select few have been everpresent & steadfast over the years. I have been wreckless...throwing caution to the wind just to see what would happen. I never wanted to wonder "what if". If I was curious about it, I did it. I am so glad that I allowed myself the experiences of my past. I am so happy that I allowed certain people into my life, even if losing them meant losing a part of myself. In return I've received so much more. Life has taught so many important lessons & I have paid attention & now apply them in everything I do. I believe whole-heartedly in Karma. I have been its victim time & time again, yet once I realized that my actions caused my fate, Karma has been a gift. Now I have the most wonderful husband & child that I never could have imagined. I am so grateful for my life. I am constantly reciting the Serenity Prayer because it is quite possibly the most profound thing I've ever heard. I share it constantly with those struggling in their lives. If you are reading this, take a minute & recite it to yourself:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with HimForever in the next.Amen.
--Reinhold Niebuhr

Thursday, December 20, 2007



There is a theory among those that believe in reincarnation that all life forms contain spirit. The spirit is born as a small entity, in the smallest of creatures. As lifetimes are lived, the spirit evolves, passing from one physical existence to the next, working its way up the spiritual ladder of evolution until ultimately re-joining itself to it's original creator. Then, possibly, the cycle starts over again.

The idea is not so much we are not worthy to go directly to heaven, but rather we are not ready... It is thought that lifetimes, in different forms, evolving upward, is the very reason for our existence in the first place. This theory makes all life connected to a common thread. It makes all life forms related, brothers and sisters if you will, on this seemingly endless spiritual journey we all must take. It is thought that the evilest of people evolve, or devolve, step back a peg or two in order to relieve, or learn spiritual lessons so they can resume forward growth. In this theory ALL are saved, and ALL no matter what, will one day rejoin the creator in the great cycle of life.

Reincarnation, if it's real, does not require your belief in it. It is thought to be as natural as a seed sprouting, growing, then dying. But is it real? That's up to you to figure out dear friend!

We all think Ours is the Only One

I have been reading A LOT about how to care for a baby. Every chance I get I'm looking up articles online or reading one of the zillion parenting magazines I'm subscribed to or books or whatever. It seems that I have a "high-needs" baby or a "hyperalert" baby. I thought all babies were high needs...Isaac needs to be held constantly. He naps in my arms & wakes up soon after I lay him down. People like to say he's "spoiled" already, but EVERYTHING that I have read says that a baby cannot be spoiled. I really don't understand how people can tell me to just put him down & let him cry it out. The greatest thing about him is his little personality. He is such a happy baby most of the time...of course he has to have my constant attention. His latest thing is blowing bubbles & kicking my hands with his feet. He smiles all of the time & "talks"...a lot. The cutest thing is when he talks in his sleep. I'm almost waiting for actual words to start coming out of his mouth while he's sleeping; i mean, he never talks like that when he's awake. It almost sounds like he's speaking a foreign language or something! Anyway, back to the "high-needs" thing. They say these types of babies are super aware & develop at a faster rate because of their intensity & determination to get their needs met. He's like me in the fact that he doesn't want to miss out on anything & will fight his sleep, but he's like Mike in that he will wake up at the crack of dawn full of energy. Whatever is the case, I feel like I'm doing a pretty good just wears me out!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Found her

Apparently my cat is pathetic. A woman & her husband were walking by my house & India (of course) meowed to them, "hugged" one of them by trying to climb their leg, then kept following them (she does this a lot). She wasn't wearing her ID tag because she kept getting scabs on her neck from it so I had taken it off of her (stupid thing to do if your cat is an indoor-outdoor animal). The lady took her home & made flyers. She was hanging them up when she saw one of ours. She brought her home safe & sound last night. Whew!
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